Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Song of the Week, 3/14: Into It. Over It.- "Don't Let Me Cave In" (The Wonder Years cover)

What song is it?: Taken from the 6-way split compilation of the Glamour Kills Tour 2012, Into It. Over It.'s take on one of the most emotionally driven songs from The Wonder Years was destined to be a standout, as TWY frontman Dan "Soupy" Campbell has stated that the song's lyrics were based on a night he spent with IIOI mastermind Evan Weiss. With so much meaning to the man who wrote it, how could a one-man band possibly do the job of a six-piece band successfully?

Why is it Song of the Week?: Do you really think it would be SotW if Weiss didn't pull off one of the best covers released in years? Of course not. As it turns out, Weiss turned Campbell's musings of a night the two spent at a show in Chicago into a song from his perspective, and the risk paid off huge dividends. Driven by a single electric guitar and Weiss's muffled voice, "Don't Let Me Cave In" may now carry even more meaning for both bands, as it proves it meant as much to Weiss as it does to Campbell. Chances are, you'll rarely (if ever) see IIOI do their version of "Don't Let Me Cave In" live, but the cover may just be enough to hold you over until the next time you get the chance to see TWY live.

Where can I find it?: The song is featured on a tour-only split vinyl, and unless you can find a way to get to a show early enough to buy one of the limited vinyls, you'll have to wait until they go up for auction (get your wallet ready, if that's the case), or hope someone with no regard for piracy laws puts them on the internet. Until then, here's the cover:

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