Saturday, April 14, 2012

How to "Carry On": The New Jersey State Special

Snooki, JWOWW, Pauly D, Ronnie, Vinny. These are the cast members of the (in)famous MTV show Jersey Shore that don't actually live in New Jersey. Yet somehow, combined with Sammi Sweetheart, The Situation, and Deena (who at least can claim some semblance of Jersey roots), these classless, shameless, and filthy rich individuals have come to define the world's image of the great state of New Jersey. But as most listeners of Keep Calm and Carry On know, there is much more to New Jersey than spray tans and trying to relive your Senior Prom Weekend at Seaside (fun fact: The Situation and Pauly D are both over the age of 30). We've been the host to the highest, fastest roller coaster in the world for a few years now (here's to you, Kingda Ka), we're one of the most culturally diverse states in the country, and above all else, we've churned out more musicians than any other state (that's more opinion than fact). From Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen to My Chemical Romance and The Gaslight Anthem, the new wave of any scene "fad" makes its break on the Jersey shore. That's what this week at Keep Calm and Carry On was all about: paying tribute to the bands who got their start or their big break in the Garden State. We'll start this sampling with a song that features a band that everyone knows, but New Jersey knew about first. Listen below as Jimmy Eat World pays its tribute to Jersey in "Big Casino":

In addition, we also played some songs from bands who were home-grown in the Garden State. Thursday, Senses Fail, My Chemical Romance, and countless others have changed the game in the scene, but before all of that, they all started in a small Jersey town. One of the more lesser-known and short-lived bands from New Jersey, but still packed a big-time punch, was Hidden in Plain View. Starting in Stanhope, NJ, the band broke out of the suburbs and onto Drive-Thru records, and while they called it quits long before they should have, they still gave us some great jams, including their tribute to their home state, "Garden Statement" (Fun fact: Donald graduated from the same high school as all of the members of HIPV!):

Making a list of bands who drew inspiration from or got their start in New Jersey can go on for days. However, Keep Calm and Carry On was lucky enough to catch up with a band who's now mentioned the state in two songs, and continues to show their unconditional support for all things Jersey: Mayday Parade. Donald was able to sit down and talk with Jeremy Lenzo, bassist/vocalist for the band, after they wrapped up a trip to the UK to tour with You Me at Six. The result was a great, interesting interview, and we can't thank Jeremy enough. Check it out below! 

What'd you think of the interview? Let us know in the comments, and we'll see you next time! Be sure to listen to Keep Calm and Carry On on 91.3FM WTSR or online at every Friday night from 9-11pm!

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