Sunday, December 12, 2010

Introductory Post: The 12 Days of Christmas

I know I haven't been keeping up with this recently, but I can assure you that it was for a good cause. And now, I am pleased to introduce that cause to you right now.
Starting tomorrow, I will be bringing you a new post every day until Christmas to celebrate the end of this glorious year in music. To truly turn this into a full-fledged attack on pop culture, I will also be posting Best-Of lists for TV, movies, etc. Basically anything that drew my attention this year will be remembered. Because I love the holidays so much, I figured I would place it along the pathway to the best holiday ever (in my opinion), Christmas. So here it is, everybody, the schedule for my year-end blowout event, I don't want excuses, I don't want apologies's 12 Days of Christmas Year-End Special!

Tuesday, December 14: Christmas Carol Playlist (Holiday Special!)
Wednesday, December 15: Most Anticipated Albums of 2011
Thursday, December 16: Top Sports Stories/Events in 2010
Friday, December 17: Best Movies of 2010
Saturday, December 18: Best TV Shows of 2010
Sunday, December 19: Best Music Videos of 2010
Monday, December 20: Best Album Art of 2010
Tuesday, December 21: Biggest Band Reunions of 2010
Wednesday, December 22: Biggest "Themes" of 2010 in music
Thursday, December 23: Top Songs that Ended Up On Facebook Statuses in 2010
Friday, December 24: Top Songs of 2010
Saturday, December 25: Top Albums of 2010

Keep checking back every day, and I promise to make these lists as entertaining and as fun as I possibly can. It's been a great year, and I aim to make this series of lists as the best possible way to cap this incredible year for music, movies, and life in general off.

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