Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Song of the Week, 8/14: Sparks the Rescue- "Disaster"

What is it?: The first single and music video released from the band's upcoming self-titled, Kickstarter-funded EP, "Disaster" is a statement song for the Sparks the Rescue, if there ever was one, good or bad. With no label backing, and no higher-ups to answer to, did Sparks the Rescue flourish under their new-found freedom, or have they begun the process of showing themselves out of the scene?

Why is it Song of the Week?: I know it's far-fetched to call one song an official comeback, but if "Disaster" is any indication of what Sparks the Rescue have in store, the band have never been better. Never  short on energy, the band have perfectly blended Alex Roy's catchy hooks and choruses with the talented, often-overlooked musicianship of the band. New drummer Dylan Taylor makes every drum hit sound like a bang, and Mike Naran's solo in the middle of the song shows that though the band have taken a giant step forward, they haven't forgotten what they do best: make awesome pop-rock jams. Welcome back, Sparks the Rescue. Check out the video for "Disaster" below:

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