Thursday, August 2, 2012

Song of the Week, 8/2: Blink-182- "What's My Age Again?"

What is it?: One of the monster singles on Blink's breakthrough Enema of the State, "What's My Age Again" is one of those songs that you just can't skip if it comes on on shuffle, or you tune into it on the radio.

Why is it Song of the Week?: Blink-182 is celebrating their 20-year anniversary today, and given the tendency for rapid change in today's music scene, staying together (for the kids, har har har) as a band is more difficult now than it's ever been. Not to mention, Blink-182's influence over the scene cannot be overstated. Bands like All Time Low, A Day to Remember, and countless others owe their existence to the fact that Blink-182 was able to break pop-punk into the mainstream, and give the misfit in all of us something to aspire to. Now that the band have reformed (they released the album Neighborhoods last year), they've been busy touring all over the world, and there's a chance even bigger things are coming: the band announced last week that they've been having "career-changing conversations" recently. Good or bad, the world is holding it's collective breath to see what The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show have up their sleeve next. Here's hoping they stay around for another 20 years.

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