Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Recommendation for the Week, 11/21-11/27

Thursdays have come to mean a few things to me: for one, they're the particular day of the week that I post my album reviews (shameless self-promotion), and it's also one day closer to Friday, the weekend is so close I can taste it. In a way, Thursday has become my favorite day of the week. But every year, on one particular Thursday, the weekend starts early, football comes on, I meet up with my family, and for one day, eating is the only thing on my agenda.

I'm talking, of course, about Thanksgiving. It's practically my favorite holiday, and has come to mean so much to me over the years. As I've grown older, I've begun to care less about Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, New Years', and I've even begun to ask for less for Christmas. But not once have I ever said "I think I'm going to take it easy on Thanksgiving," and those words will never escape my mouth so long as air goes into and out of my lungs. So with that in mind, here's this week's recommendation: songs with either "Thanks" or "giving" in the title:

Fall Out Boy: "Thnks fr th Mmrs"
While all of the vowels are absent from the title, there's nothing missing from this modern-day emo-pop classic, as many consider this to be Fall Out Boy's finest output.

Vampire Weekend: "Giving Up the Gun"
Boasting one of the best music videos of the year, unlikely indie superstars Vampire Weekend know how to bring the laughs (and their new celebrity friends) with "Giving Up the Gun," a drum-dominated track that features one of the best choruses you'll hear.

Chiodos: "To Trixie and the Reptile, Thanks for Everything"
One of the lesser-known Chiodos songs around, "Trixie" actually seems out of place, given the aggression Chiodos has become known for, but it's romantic tone and undying lover mood actually provide a nice change of pace from the band's aggressive classics, such as "The Words 'Best Friend' Become Redefined" or "There's No Penguins in Alaska."

Midtown- "Give it Up"
The emo powerhouse whose star burnt out too soon burnt its brightest on "Give it Up," as Gabe Saporta has yet to create another song to match the emotion, melody, and overall epic tones of the song with his sub-par synth-pop project Cobra Starship. And it's not looking like he'll ever get back to that frame of mind, as Midtown reunion rumors are shot down nearly every year.

Rick Astley- "Never Gonna Give You Up"
The 90s one-hit wonder turned pop culture (and practical joke) phenomenon has taken a life of its own, and what's even more impressive, its made Rick Astley's fifteen minutes of fame span the course of two decades in its dance hall destroying warpath.

I know I cheated with a few of these, and I also know that the origins of Thanksgiving aren't quite what we learn about as kids, but that's not, at least to me, what Thanksgiving is about. Thanksgiving is about appreciating what you have with who you have, be it a family, friends, girlfriend, boyfriend, friend with benefits, or whoever you hold closest. It's about celebrating life, and the blessing you've been given that you still have yours, and that you've been put in whatever position you're in. I know I have a lot to be thankful for, starting with anyone who has ever looked at, read, or commented on anything I've ever posted in this blog. I can never repay you all for your time, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to do so by making something you look forward to reading every day, or whenever I get around to posting things. I wish you all a safe, Happy Thanksgiving, and once again, thanks for reading.

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